Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Ask people who's team they're on. If they won't claim God in Heaven or Jesus Christ, you know what team they're on.
The final stages of this battle is good vs evil and we need to undersrand who our teammates are.

Just a heads up Note:
To those that feal provoked to...
" Take things into their own hands"
Think it through.
Do you think maybe you are actually being provoked to do exactly that?
Be smarter than
The real enemy.
You have to go in the opposite direction than what is being out in the message than all of our collective enemy is pushing on humanity.
All of the negative that we hear everyday we share with each other.
Somehow it all matters in turning our corrupt world into a place where healing flows rapidly.
Who among us doesn't need some type of healing?
Well said. 🙏🏻❤️