Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Ask people who's team they're on. If they won't claim God in Heaven or Jesus Christ, you know what team they're on.
The final stages of this battle is good vs evil and we need to undersrand who our teammates are.
Will you supply evidence of what god is?
What is god?
Who is god?
How to prove God?
Very deceptive and misleading post to say the least.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Well what Nana can tell you is that decades ago I had a NDE and for a time was a light energy being that was infinate among other things.
What I can also tell you is that I had a vision of God a few months ago saw him myself and he was not a man he was golden light energy & he spoke to me.
This is the only proof that I need.
To each their own.😇

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Did you have an accident?

You need to live John 3:16.

Do you know the difference between Good and Evil? (rhetorical)

I love God, country, family and of course President Trump !!
what is God: Love
who is God: I am the A and the Z, the beggining and ending of all things,says God,the all powerful one who is,and was,and is coming again.
how to prove God: Try to disprove God.

Actually, I think we might all be surprised, if the tech gets out. A physicist named Ryan D. White, who was working with space economist Molly McCaully (who was killed), found a background frequency when doing clean up work for the government scientists trying to capture the "sound" from the big bang. Anyhow, he said no matter where they looked for it, they found it in everything. Bar none. He believes it is the actual "voice/frequency" of god. Apparently the Obummer administration classified the work and possibly sold the tech to Iran..who shared it with the Vatican to create a one world religion. Just saying. There is lot's of open source info on this guy and the gal....she was killed because she was the original person who uncovered vote flipping using satellites.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
If main stream pushes theoretical physics, its a lie...

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
physicist named Ryan D. White, Hmm, Will you post link of this Ryan?