Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Are you paying attention to Myanmar?

i don't understand why the military are killing people. I'm a little confused

Think in terms of the people of Myanmar being like BLM/Antifa. Myanmar is being broadcast right now frame the narrative if the same thing hsppened here in the US. The left want you to think Military bad, citizens good. Now think about what we have been begging for in the US for the last couple of months for the military to back the Constitution. What IF the Myanmar military REALLY did uncover election fraud. Eould make you see this from the other side. Be willing to see both sides of the coin and understand its a chess match. Moves and counter-moves.
Ya the fake news is making it look like Mil are bad guys. The Fake Prez was arrested. Which will happen here. But think about this? 10% of registered voters voted for Joe here. Now 5% regret it and know he did not win. WHO WILL PROTEST JOE'S arrest? a few paid thugs?