Going Viral: Semi-Trailer Load of Illegal Aliens Unloaded in Pearsall, Texas - Who's Behind This? (VIDEO)
What the hell is going on? A semi-trailer of illegal aliens unloading in Pearsall, Texas, was captured on video and it is going viral. In the video, what appears to be 100 illegal aliens are being unloaded in the small Texas town 100 miles from the Mexican border. Pearsall had a population of 9,24..
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/semi-trailer-load-illegal-aliens-unloaded-pearsall-texas-going-viral-behind-video/The phone number isn't good. As a law abiding gun owing citizen of the great state of Texas, I want a phone number for our 'great' governor Abbott. Why is this not am emergency where the national guard can be deployed?!

Abbott announces Texas will deploy National Guard to combat the 'border crisis' escalating due to Biden administration
Republican Gov. Greg Abbott announced Texas will deploy National Guard troops to combat the "crisis" along the southern border.
Proud Deplorable, I love my country, love my President, love the great state of Texas! 🇺🇲🇺🇲
I guess the good Lord heard my prayers. Well that and the voices of many other irate Texans as Abbott's voice mail was FULL...