Born in Romania Living in UK @Registered Nurse #ProLIFE #WorldWidePatriot #ProudDigitalSoldier #TrustThePlan #TrustTheMan #TrustGOD
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Check out PureFlix a channel of all Christian movies. You need a smart TV, Apple TV, or a Roku device to watch it.{ad%20network}&hsa_ad=&hsa_acc={ID%20of%20account/customer}&hsa_net=bing&hsa_kw=pure%20flix&hsa_tgt=kwd-72911802817585:aud-808126002:loc-190&hsa_ver=3&msclkid=6886afd291251ae7f90ccf8cfa00bed4&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=_Search_Brand&utm_term=pure%20flix&utm_content=Exact
I like some of their movies. I like Christian Movie channel on You Tube too Rich Christiano does a good job.