Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
If God lead you to truth it was for a reason.
Never doubt Him.
You are awake for a very specific purpose.
Your endurance makes you stronger for the days ahead.
Never forget any of these things.
God won't forget you.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Excellent message Doq!
I am now understanding that we have to come to theses conclusions on our own to unleash our inner abilites and connections. It is part of the physical and mental process of raising our consciousness awareness and increasing our connection to God that is within all of us.
Kind of like the sequences that sync to push forward the plan. It is a process of awakening I think with one realization after another that ever increases one ablility after another toward our connect to God and balance. Like a mathmatical equation that we have to be able to figure out the different steps to really be able to work the problem unable to properly jump from beginning to the end without understanding the process to get there.
Some days lately it seems you can almost see the diminisions changing right in front of us.
The joy and love is overwhelming some days making it hard to continue to help with the negative evils waiting on the others. Who is ahead of me? We need to talk!
ahead is relative, i mean i was given a vision of this very thing but does that mean im somehow leading any thing? ahead or behind is irrelevant. only God has the subject matter you need to discuss so just as you would do with anyone , talk , he will listen and answer.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Yes he does but he also gives us fellowship to share in the journey. Sometimes a teeny tiny thing is a catylst for others to open their hearts and listen to their hearts instead of their minds.
We are here to improve our souls but also to interact with others. No need to lead only to share maybe. As Juan says to be our brothers brother not our brothers keeper.
Optimal when we can learn to share with a truely giving heart and compassion without wanting.
Thank you for sharing😘😇

one world undivided with liberty and justice for all https://twitter.com/verndewd https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UnlManuURgPw/
out of the blue chatting with a long haul trucker, he gets these vision moments that he cant describe, he says its like dejavu only it is a bit overwhelming and makes him naseous, thats ONE sign another is moments of unimaginable love, others are the cessation if sinful things, the reduction of foul language, the reduction of any and or all things deemed sinful in the bible including the ten commandments . GOD IS IN FACT causing people to wake up, ive never met this guy but he studied the cabal all the way back to sumer like i did. A while back someone posted the 2012 theory that we went into a paralell universe when Cern found the higgs bosson, The statue of liberty is factually NOW on liberty island where as we all grew up knowing it was on ellis island. the camelot interview with a looking glass guy saying 2012 was a hard stop in probabilities. Trump is in fact Gods new David. its all coming to a head here.