Retired bone shaman, classical musician, Akita mom.
For the first time in the history of the Navy in the Arctic, three nuclear submarines surfaced from under the ice.
One of them fired a torpedo from under the ice.
Another "first" — two Russian MiG-31 fighter jets flew over the North Pole with refueling in the air.
The Arctic expedition of the Ministry of Defense took place in harsh conditions: the temperature reached -25...-30 °C, wind gusts - up to 32 m/s, ice thickness - up to 1.5 m
Три атомные подлодки ВМФ впервые в истории вместе всплыли из-подо льда - РИА Новости, 26.03.2021
Впервые в истории современной России три атомные подводные лодки Военно-морского флота вместе всплыли во льдах. Об этом главком ВМФ адмирал Николай Евменов... РИА Новости, 26.03.2021
https://ria.ru/20210326/arktika-1603016417.htmli think the subs are Russian too....