The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime
1. HRC's secret service codename is: Evergreen.
2. A large Evergreen cargo ship, which is carrying literally thousands of shipping containers is stuck in Egypt's Suez canal.
3. The stuck Evergreen cargo ship has a call sign of H3RC.
4. The shipping container industry is large, private, and utterly perfect to secretly smuggle literally thousands of humans all over the world without detection.
5. Q(Cue) told us in post 1884 that many of the world's trafficking hubs have already been shut down, including Epstein Island, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia. Remember when all those Saudia Arabian princes were arrested? According to Q(Cue) post 1884, four hubs are pending shutdown: Syria, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia.
6. Sudan and Yemen are just south of Egypt and the Suez canal, where the Evergreen cargo ship is stuck.
7. Q(Cue) mentions "Evergreen" in exactly two posts. Both times, we are told to Define 'Evergreen".
8. In post 1279, immediately after Q tells us to Define 'Eve
Mossad? as in ISRAEL?

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime
I apologize for not seeing this sooner....and my post cut off my last part so here is what it sas in the end. Yes Mossad. So looks like great revealing and pray for everyone working the free the children. Some containers are possilby armed or filled with militants.
8. In post 1279, immediately after Q tells us to Define 'Evergreen', Q asks us, "When do you call a plumber?"
You call a plumber when you have a clogged pipe that needs unclogging. To me, it is uncanny how the imagery of a clogged pipe is an excellent match to the imagery of large cargo ship clogging up traffick in a narrow canal.