At some point, the people will wake up and say 'ENOUGH!'
Forced vaccinations and mask mandates are considered a War Crime under the Geneva Convention. You must be given all information regarding the effects it will have on your body and give your Informed Consent. If you chose otherwise, you cannot be discriminated against for it.
Horowitz: Masks are experimental medical devices that must be optional, according to law - TheBlaze
Emergency Use Authorization
Went to a nearby dollar general in Del Rey, LC, NM to rent a rug doctor. Walked in without a mask. guy behind the counter asked if I needed one. I said no, I don't believe in it. He proceeded to hand me one. I put it in my pocket and asked if i could rent the machine. he asked if i would put my mask on first. I asked, if I don't do you have the right to refuse service? he answered yes. the lady in line said, look just put the mask on it's easier. I said sure it's easy, I just don't believe in it. she proceeded to tell me about her daughter working retail getting cussed out by an antimasker. i said thats not my style. I'm not here to fight, but if you are going to refuse me service, I'm in the wrong place. and walked out. went to another location on N. Main, did the same thing. Man said look, i'm from el paso... i don't know how long you been here, but complaints come from both sides. mask wearers amd non mask wearers. it's such a gray area. I said i just don't believe in wearing one,
he said he likes to go back to el paso to escape the mandates, but his job requires him to wear one. had a good chat with him. anyways, he let me rent the machine
aren't the other countries trying to mandate masks and shots as well?
the cabal is global, and they won't enforce the Geneva Convention
let's face it: nothing will save our lives.
just Jesus will save our souls.
live free or die