A little ditty about Jack & Dian~A🩰🦢#soundoffreedom #familyiseverything #godwins #jfkjr #saveourchildren #trumpismypresident
BE THE PLAN - Sequel To - The Plan To Save The World - Joe M
CREDIT: All credit and sincere thanks to Joe M for all the hard work in bringing this mini documentary to We The People
My sweet sister... I pray you are doing well and keeping heart, mind and soul balanced. It appears that the perfect storm is upon us, with global conflicts and even an "Evergreen" stuck in the Suez. Comms give the impression that Easter will be a day of gloRious celebration and perhaps we will even see ouR favorite bunny.
You must be prepping for your Lazarus moment. It will be biblical in so many ways. You will transform the world again with your gentle touch and loving heart. I thank you for the joy you have given me and hope you won't forget this little gal (gvaldes@gmail.com) when you hit the big time.
I so believe in miracles and you, my dear, are a divine one. You will be immersed in such love that even the Cheshire Cat will envy youR grin. Smile, sparkle and shine. Embrace your funny face. Dance till your drop and drink champagne under a starlit moon. Yours is the world my Warrior Gal, and all that is good within it.