Enclose 7 pages regarding the Suez Canal 🔥 from 3-23-21 Telegrams by MelQ🐸 and Red.Pill.Pharmacist
1 Map of Middle East & Canal
2 Q 1884
3 MelQ🐸 “Evergreen” HRC’s Secret Service name
4 Suez Canal, one of the largest shipping lanes on the planet, BLOCKED with a mega container ship
(Walmart & Wayfair 2 of the WORST that ship children right into the center of town & NO ONE’S the wiser except pedophiles.)
5 Q We have it all… Define EVERGREEN… When do you call a plumber?
6 Q 1279
7 Paul Walker, hero, killed as he was about to testify against Clintons over child trafficking in Haiti 🙏
Juan O Savin 💥
“We as a people have a responsibility to protect children
the innocents
& we as a people haven’t done that.
The kids coming in from Mexico
Freight containers on ships from all over the world
with kids & babies in them
then trafficked here in America.
We’ve had seizures of kids discovered in those freights
Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
I wonder what is on this ship, so "carefully" placed in this essential waterway. I hope it doesn't cause serious damage to the surrounding area. Anyone for Defcon 1?
knew about Wayfair but not Walmart, which i refer to as Chyna