Decodes of events taking place in the Suez Canal from North Star:
SUEZ is the palindrome of ZEUS (Greek God).
Evergreen: occult symbol of incarnate Baal, forever young, governor's OP, CIA base, Bohemian Grove, naval strategic scenario, HRC codename (Hillary Clinton).
The language of symbols was used all over the world even before the Tower of Babel. It doesn't matter what language you speak, when you see the shape of a circle with rays, you know that it is the sun, the image of the crescent moon is inappropriately interpreted by the language as the moon, and so on. They still speak this language and announce their plans (for anyone who understands symbols) in a psychopathic attempt to "anticipate" future events in order to try to avoid karmic retribution. Fortunately, the SQME enforce the laws of karmic retribution before they can prevent it from occurring.
The lines are drawn.
Determine EVERGREEN.
The silent war continues, the world is turning over.