Craig "Sawman" Sawyer -
So... love him or hate him, nearly four years ago some of us saw Alex Jones interview this ex Navy Seal Patriot on Infowars. Craig got some of his highly skilled vereran buddies together and they went pedohile hunting, "seal style". Of course they faced a great deal of opposition from "the machine", in all areas of funding and suppression of their good work. ref:
Surprise, after all this time Steve Bannon had Craig Sawyer on his Warroom show today, interveiwing him about the current border crisis and the huge amounts of child trafficking that goes on with the encouragement of the Biden regime.
I reckon Steve Bannon would do well to pay a little more attention to Alex Jones, if he really wants to keep up with the times.
I'm very glad Bannon had Sawyer on his show.
Good job Craig Sawyer, for sticking it out under such dire and evil forces against him.
Vets For Child Rescue - HOME
V4CR is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization founded by former Navy SEAL Craig "Sawman" Sawyer. V4CR is dedicated to raising awareness about the epidemic of child sex trafficking right here in the United States by exposing this fastest growing criminal