Posted by Anon (/qresearch/): https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/12663992.html
"Trump Still Issuing EO's"
"Riddle me this… How is a former President issuing Executive Orders and Proclamations after he leaves office? How is a current President claiming to write Executive Orders but none show up in the http://Federalregistry.gov?
PART two...next frame...
/qresearch/ - Trump Still Issuin..
8kun /qresearch/ - Q Research - Trump Still Issuing EO’s
Here is the actual link. Biden's Executive orders have still not been recorded. The longer they remain unrecorded, the more it will appear that his supposed orders are invalid.
Just did some research on the time span between Trump's signing of EOs and actual publication: 3 to 5 days.
It has only been two days since Biden signed his. If a week has passed without publication, then it can be safe to say that his EOs may not be v
Federal Register :..
The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. After the President signs an Executive..