Yes to flouride, haven't found anything to replace anti perspirant, any suggestions? I need something.
I make most of my own products with their oils. This is new and I can't wait to try it!
Natural Deodorant | Plant Therapy
Plant Therapy® offers a large line of luxurious but affordable body care products, including essential oils, lotions, body creams and butters, hydrosols, carrier oils, and more. Now offering 5% off with subscription. ✓Free shipping on every order! you!
This is a good place to start. Dr Axe is great with natural remedies.
Crystal also comes in a solid or roll on.
What Is Crystal Deodorant and Does It Actually Work? - Dr. Axe
Crystal deodorant is a natural antibacterial option for removing body odor, while allowing the body to detoxify by sweating. But does it actually work?
It is trial and error finding the right one at first, especially as your body detoxes the aluminum.
Most health or natural food stores have a section. Get back to you a bit later with more information!