Black Lives Matter leader in Greater Atlanta indicted for spending donations on a house, guns and prostitutes... What has BLM actually done to help black communites ? The answer is nothing. They have only helped themselves and destroyed, looted and murdered our fellow citizens. I think every single person tied to BLM including George Soro, must be thoroughly investigated and they should be held accountable for what damage they have done... Making America Great Again is happening but first we must get rid of the evil . #MAGA .#wwg1wga 🇺🇸🦅 5:5
BLM leader in Atlanta spent donations on a house, guns and a prostitute
Sir Maejor Page, who ran a charity called Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta was indicted for defrauding donors out of $450000, DOJ announced
Retired professional driver, former carpenter and US Navy vet. I love all God's creatures and I'm saved by the blood of Jesus, my savior!
The love of money is full of all kinds of evil!

Believe in something, or you'll fall for anything
Imagine my shock!
BLM was a payoff scheme set up by the establishment dems to fund sleepy joe's "presidential campaign". You cant rig an American presidential election without paying big big bucks to the CCP (printing fake mail in ballots), Dominion (cooking the electronic vote), and RINO's (for betraying their base on 1.6.2021).
This useful idiot is just a hood rat...being a hood rat. Ignorant to the very end.