I have often pondered would choosing a point in time to visit be a good idea. All I have ever thought was if time travel landed in the right hands, they that, or those people could make sure each and all of our past, futures and presents are as good as, they can be. I feel me choosing a time for myself would be selfish.
Lets assume someone, or a grQup of people did just that. Then we could assume that as the message seems to go, the good people are in control and there is only one way this all ends.
The losses and sacrifices are that of the bad that is all around us, that we fight continously. That it is a true shame to see loss, hurt, anger and pain.
We could assume that if we did not attach ourselves to our surroundings we would mearly see it as our job is done. We all deserve long fruitful life and soon we may just get it.
There is only two timelines of importance and the one we are on, is the winning one.