Former Employer at Fluor Cooparation ,and Kellog Brown Root LOG CAP IV and LOGCAP V Afgahnistan and Iraq. Troops Support!
real people,real patriots.
dedicated to protect us all regardless of our political orientation.
color blind and trustworthy ,Fidelis to the end.
The real stars of life on earth,
the saviours of the world.
putting their life in peril to preserve the liberties bought
with the blood of their predesessors.
protecting the republic from foreign and domestic
enemies,armies or combattants.
thank God for ones stationed in DC,
soon we shall find out who the domestic ones are.
no escape, no deals.
Thanks for the nice words Dear
their sacrifice is the reason we carry this conversation in
english and not chinise,russian or german.
God bless the military.
it always has been the only way.