A warning. My rant to wake people.
God said to Moses, Moses take these 10 commandments down and show them to the people for they are my laws to follow. Moses agreed Moses asked God what commandment is the most important? God said they all are but thou shalt have no God before me is the most important if one has to be, because without this the others hold no meaning. Of course I have no idea how the conversation went this is just how it plays in my mind. But I do believe that if the person in charge tells you this is how it is, then that is how it is. I don't bring this up for any reason but to help you from being lead astray. Not just from God but from what people in the "know" want you to believe. When I refer to people in the "know" I refer to those who are close to Q or battling for Q. If Moses took the ten commandments down from the mountain and gave the laws to his people but didn't follow them himself how long do you think his people would? I am sure not long.

Christian, Patriot , Trump my President! Mother grandma just hard working American.
Good remunder! I get caught up in some of that. Ive been trying to be careful

Jude 1:23, Save others by snatching them from the fire; have mercy on others but with fear, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh