While youre online, remember, trolls are like the dog d gnats. many dont have 2 braincells to know how to creatively think for themselves. I can see wanting to have a little fun at their expense, however, it takes away from the task at hand. whether you call yourself a citizen journalist or a Digital Soldier, our task is to get truth out. dealing with trolls takes time away from research. As ive learned in life, if you ignore them long enough, theyll go away.
Right! I see anonup as a progression from Twatter, to YT, to Gab, to here, to Telegram.
if you've found your way here you're more informed and focused, and would not be wasting your time on trolls.
Anonup.com is a great platform however, there are still many sheeple in the world. thats why many of us are also on Gab, Clouthub, Telegram and more sharing the truth from all of our digging. My main purpose from the above post was to encourage others to quit wasting time on trolls. killing time trying to inform trolls of what is really going on takes time away from reaching those that are thinking about the Red Pill but unsure how to go about it.