Well along with my Twatter account - Threadreader app went too with over 100 threads.....
In hindsight I should have backed up "off-line".

Purged x2 40k+ In A Past Twatter Life RedPilledCrash/JusticeIsComing Researcher ThreadMaker Anon ClownSlayer EnemyOfDS
In response DarQly Illuminate to his Publication
I feel your pain bro 'Purged' twice 45 k+ followers and 120+ threads as well..

GAB @DarklyIlluminated - Patriot - Understand What [THEY] worship - Occultism - Q - Anons - DeepState Exposer - Thread Maker - Fuck Gates
In response RedPilled Crash to his Publication
My faukt too - should have backed up....
Time to re-build