My Sunday morning post on facebook
Good Sunday Morning Friends and the rest of America. No I have not been on here posting much as of late. Why you might ask , because I do not believe in suppression of free speech allowed in our Constitution by any one. I am also fed up with fake fact checkers using fake news and lies covering up the truth with fake and false information. Now Facebook is asking us to suggest news places we trust so they can get the fake false organizations to go after the truth and more than likely get them removed from the internet. DO NOT FALL FOR THE LIES> DO NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION TO FACEBOOK. Almost 100 years ago there was a movement in a country for people to turn people in for their beliefs. Children and young adults turned people in and those people were placed in cattle cars, relocated into camps where they were experimented on and murdered by the thousands. My generation learned about this in history class, from family and relatives who helped fight again