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19 March JFK Jr. Telegrams from Air Force Two: Part 1
Biden deserves to die 1,000s of times
CPC will fall. They can’t escape punishment.
Good morning.
I assure you that We Make America Great Again.
Another beautiful day.
The United States is my country and I love the American people.
We can celebrate soon.
I’m going to Florida for an important meeting.
President Trump wants to publish that information.
I’m going to Florida on Air Force Two.
Do you know why? If you know, you know.
President Trump ordered the execution of Mike Pence.
Time to say goodbye.
(Mike Pence’s execution also appeared on Military News)
It’s time.
The best is yet to come.
We all a re waiting for the time to come....but until that announcement comes from our President you have to question everything. Does this make any sense? Would something of such importance be fed to us through another platform, not I don't think so, Exciting it would be, but use discernment. I know I have to...exciting, but haven't we been fooled for long enough? Question everything.