Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
IRS currently imploding.

Mother of 2 boys, one is in USCG, other wants to be a Marine. Husband is USAF. MAGA, LOVE TRUMP! Hello JFK Jr. WWG1 WGA Philippians 4:13
Praying this is true because they just sent us a letter stating some third party screwed up on the amount I was taxed on in one of my work situations. Now they want almot $4,000 from me. This is insane! We use a very proficient and experienced CPA who has never made a mistake. I have until June 14 to file an appeal. Hoping Trump returns soon so the IRS is completely gutted!! Sick of these evil scum stealing our hard earned dollars.
What is weird we got a $13,000 bill from the IRS. We gave our CPA, he sent a letter of explantion. The IRS writes back that they receieved the letter, in the meantime send the money even though you might not owe it...WTF. So we are sweating it out also. I was suppose to get a large refund last year, IRS only sent me half of the refund with no explantion. I have the CPA working on that. Never did we ever have an issue before.