Loved This!...
Keyser Soze@keysersoze
We were given the clues to make sense of the confusion.
We can see light at the end of the tunnel.
We can see what hides in darkness.
We were lifted up as the waters rose around us.
We were chosen for a reason.
We are a very small percentage of the population.
We believe.
We have been ostracized by others who are treading water in "new" normals.
Have Faith.
We will be called upon soon.
Those who mocked will seek our vision.
Those who doubted will be overcome with emotion.
Do not hold a grudge.
You are their guide.
They are about to wake up and have no idea how they got there.
Be comforting to all.
Have Faith!
Keyser Soze
We were given the clues to make sense of the confusion. We can see light at the end of the tunnel. We can see what hides in darkness. We were lifted up as the waters rose around