#FamilyIsEverything #BlueGreenTeam Chef Photographer Colon Cancer Survivor Military Baker ✍🐉🦌🪶⚜⚓🌹💙💚
Love U so much
Im jamming this right now, its SO GOOD plz listen to it
hope U have a good day!

Eliezer in the Book of Jasher turned Sodom's laws back on them...Eliezer Justice! Mother of 5 - KAG!
WE can never forget how the POS "public servants" have betrayed us. We The People need to go fwd and take back our communities, counties, courts, states, etc.
I got a bill passed into law in my state, and I was really surprised to find out that the state legislature really WANTED input from the citizenry, but no one shows up.
Perhaps as we move fwd, we will have less burden upon us and can pursue civic duties & humanitarian causes. And not return to entrainment & programming!

Micah 6:8. God Wins. Revelations 18. Want my freedom? Come and Take it!

Proud Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸 DJT is my president! Permanently suspended from twatter after 4 accounts🤪😂
🇺🇸Hey VK Nice 2 c u fren!!

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher
Yes! I hope BO and his fellow swamp creatures are#Fooked soon.#DayOfReckoning! We must NEVER accept or forget the injustices wrought upon President Trump (and our nation) from Obamagate to a weaponized media to a stolen election and everything in between ... and all the crimes that came before. With fellow patriots, esp as we restore our Republic, I will stand firm for what's true. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." (Thomas Jefferson)

Here for our future, the future of the Republic. 🇺🇸


They (Deep State) will never show us the truth but here's some news for them: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming...Nothing!!!

I see the pissed off level is up. Wonder what happens at 10?

Look for 8.9 = 17

The END is near for this Traitor....

We were told to TRUST WRAY. What if Wray is OUR SLEEPER? (We get to have sleepers too, right?)

Patriot dad of two beautiful babies. Fighting for truth and justice. Fighting for peace.
what happened to that anomaly guy

Edward Snowden is expecting his first child
View the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZL8m5xUGIc

Q- Anon - Digital Soldier - Firm believer in the truth - WWG1WGA
Dun, Dun, Dun