Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.)
We exist to rescure children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.
O.U.R. has made a significant impact in the fight to end sex trafficking and sexual exploitation by rescuing and supporting thousands of survivors in 28 countries and 26 U.S. states.
Join the fight. NOW.
Tim Ballard, a former US government agent, quit his job in order to devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffickers.

Irish ANON. Check out my red pill films I make for ANONS to wake up the sheeple
President Trump will return soon.
Patriots, new must see film 🎥
Banned from Youtube/Rumble 😳
‘The Deep State War Part 6 - PEDOGATE - A Film By MrTruthBomb’
WARNING - Adrenechrome etc

Irish ANON. Check out my red pill films I make for ANONS to wake up the sheeple
President Trump will return soon.
Patriots, new must see film 🎥
Banned from Youtube/Rumble 😳
‘The Deep State War Part 6 - PEDOGATE - A Film By MrTruthBomb’
WARNING - Adrenechrome etc

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
Spirit man. Dont need wings. HEART FOR SUFFERING CHILDREN.❤

Not all heros wear capes. God bless this truly heroic man!!

A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.
This man is truly a hero.

Light-Bringer 🌟 💜 Spiritual Warrior 4 God ☀️ Gaia, Jesus, Trump 🦁 & The Children 🙏 Galactic Interfacer 👽 Ascension 5D 💙 JKD MMA 💦
SO grateful for you Tim 🙏🙏🙏 thank Q endlessly!!!