i appreciate all you post, i see everyone growing weary. the news is circling and circling on telegram, the same stories. we are all united, we always will be. We know its in Gods timing so at this point, its either we revolt, sometning bigger than just calling our elected officials, or we just continue to pray ( which we do either way). the excitememt of the movie is wearing - to use an analogy - at some point, we have to confront the cheating boyfriend we cant just sit at home and pretend our cousin will call us at anytime when he finds him. The ppl surrounding Potus in the know, well they have the information, they know what is the hold up or the timeline. we dont,
there comes a time in humans where we have to move, and not just little groups here and there
but massive movement. if thats the plan then its working, if its not the plan well, manuervering information to the masses via drops isnt cutting it anymore. im not sure what this means in terms of action, but i see it happe