Anyone confused about this damn vaccine?
It seems to fall into the 'up is down, left is right' category.
I have struggled with this Vax Crap for months. Then my brain kicked in and I relized who had the answer. Yes I am a God fearing woman, and I compleatley stumbled all over this. So I had to repent and ask God for forgiveness. And I owe a appoligy to our wonderful Pres. DJT because I thought he was wrong on this one. Which I would be saying God made a mistake. Because I was minding my own buissnes when the Holy Spirit lead me to this whole movement in 2016. I believe God has anoined Donald Trump to rescue his children, not only the trafficked, abused, and murdered children, but all of us children that have been inslaved all our lives. When I took it to the Lord I hardly had time to get the whole question out, and the spirit said.... optics.
"Don't let the cure be worse than the illness" What is really being targeted? Big Pharma! We have all the right info we need. remember HCQ and other theraputics. Please Brothers and Sisters stay away from Vacine. And keep sharing the truth
that all seems great but how many millions of Americans have already taken the Vax. doing 1 million a day for now at least 70-80 days is minimum 80 million people. ..
when I was broken and cried out to God, He answered. Knock and the door shall be opened. Seek and ye shall find. His grace, Love & peace.
Wonder if we are being lied to about those numbers also?