Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Oh my goodness, I just remembered part of my dream last night. I woke up saying "John 7" but until now I didnt remember the dream.
Jesus was in my dream. This is the first time I have ever dreamed about Jesus that I can remember. I cant remember it all but I remember him talking to me in the dream. He was a very dark skinned man with dark hair but the most memorable feature in the dream was his very very strong arms. When this man was talking about Jesus in his NDE the dream came back to me.
Perfect ending to this awesome day!
Much love Patriots!
I did not see my whole life flash b4 me in my NDE, mine was a bit different, but I know many have. I am wondering if that part of the experience is tied to the "Library" the woman in Juan O Savins video was telling about in her NDE?? She said her guide told of a Library where there was a record of every experience that has ever been had by EVERY soul is for viewing so even unborn babies can experience life.

Alabama gal raised in Tennessee worn out from spiritual warfare need reinforcements much rejection 💔Jesus, Rosie my dog r true friends ❤️
I have many dreams of Jesus also many ,many visions . One time in prayer i was asking My Father a question and he gave the answer by showing and also telling me of The vast Library in heaven . I seen Big huge golden doors and those big high big Victorian chairs i seen books of gold . I seen Very large books endless this library was a endless of knowledge & understanding . There are answers to all of our wonders

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana did not get that far in my NDE but I am leaning towards this being so.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
The progenitor, written by Dr Raymond Moody is very good reading. Title, "Life After Life."
Some people return with PhD level knowledge of subjects they have never studied. Secretaries without any college experience. Some return understanding, speaking and reading ancient, unused languages. They cannot explain how they acquired this extraordinary knowledge other than their experience with GOD.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Anything is possible with God!
I am getting closer to opening my Center for Healing! Received an invitation from Dr Charles Ward on linkedin. The legal paperwork and establishment of the 501c3 charity status will be done soon, too. We are going to heal wounded military (active duty and retirees) free of charge, those who suffered sra, too. I was gratified to read that those rescued from the tunnels recently have already gained access to Quantum Med Beds. Now, we must reach out to those who have long suffered the psychological and physiological scars caused by this horrific ev1l. PLEASE, pray for the success of this venture. With all of my heart, thank you! 💝

Saved by faith, through Jesus; wife; mother; grandmother; healer; defender of truth
Prayers and blessings for favor as everything falls into place. I sm hooing to be part of something like this. I am an inner healer and work with SRA survivors. Praying for God's directions. 💜

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
God Bless you! I will keep you apprised of our progress to HEAL these beloved ones.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.
May God bless you and every person who comes to you.A very beautiful way to hep people.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼🇺🇸

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
Thank you! God has chosen each one of us for this very special time in history! May He bless you in abundance!

Love Jesus, love my husband, love America, love Trump, love Freedom! Rather old digital warrior, but full of patriotism. NO DMs please!
May God bless this endeavor mightily!!

Lover of God, family, and country❤️Prayers always for our military, President Trump and all Patriots around the world. God bless you all.
May God bless you abundantly in this endeavor. In the name of Jesus, amen

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
The love and prayers are truly helping! With all of my heart, THANK YOU.

Tell us more! We need more of these fascilities around the world! How dd you get started? I would love to learn more!!

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
Thanks, Shelly! I read about GESARA/NESARA on operationdisclosure.blogspot.com and purchased ~$1000 US Dollars worth of Iraqi Dinars that are no longer circulating. Many Countries, including Iraq, are returning to the gold standard and the revaluation of this money will increase approximately 150-200%. That will allow me ample money to offer these beloved injured ones FREE and priority access to the med beds. I will keep a journal of everyrhing that is put into place so others, if they so choose, can use it to open many more of these centers which I consider a very important part of restoring and elevating humanity as GOD wills.

Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
This sounds amazing. Please keep us posted. Best of luck.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
Will do. Thank you VERY much. ❤

I love you all and I love President Trump #wwg1wga 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
THANK YOU! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Eternally grateful to President Trump and the Team that surrounds Him.
Blessings abound🙏❤️

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Please send Nana information on it when opening and Nana will help promote as well. 😘😇💜