If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!

Yes, but who does man ask for wisdon??????? It is God. You seem to leave God out of everything you post. You are deceived. Satan is an expert at twisting of the truth and in reading 3 of your posts just today, I would guess you to worship not the God of the Bible, but a very twisted deceptive cult. You give no credit or glory to God or His son Jesus Christ .

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If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!

i simply cannot be, if i am not incorporating God in everything i do. i have never once denied God. how can you say such a thing, when you dont even know me? you are placing judgement upon a cover of a book. how can you speak of God and Christ when you are casting judgement? for who has no sin, cast the first stone. who are you casting stones my way? you say i am deceived before you can even understand my mind, or understand my experience. you are a walking contradiction. you stand on the corner preaching with a dogmatic stance, blinded by indoctrination. who am i to tell you, you are wrong? you are experiencing your iwn life, with your perceptions. did i come to you and say your bullshit and wrong? your perception of me is a refrection of you. there you go again, speaking of God as something outside of you. you probably think God is some invisible guy in the sky. how do you know i give no credit to God? you know nothing about me.