If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!

Yes, but who does man ask for wisdon??????? It is God. You seem to leave God out of everything you post. You are deceived. Satan is an expert at twisting of the truth and in reading 3 of your posts just today, I would guess you to worship not the God of the Bible, but a very twisted deceptive cult. You give no credit or glory to God or His son Jesus Christ .

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If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!

ill be blunt with you. your ignorance is ugly. ALL sacred symbolism were in its origin explanations for the creation of the universe. the creation of the universe is a love story. the sacred symbolism has been perverted by perverts to mask and take away vital information from all of Gods glory. learn your history before you can move forward or you will stay stuck. the spells of the perversions of sacred symbolism are being reversed. i cant believe you, a bible thumper, would have the audacity to cast judgement. hyprocrite