Pastor. Educator. Mama. I breathe sarcasm. Wondering why Lin Wood is single... I follow back, esp. if your name starts w/Lin & ends w/Wood.
Just had a thought...
I’ve read this could possibly be Bette Midler, Hillary Clinton, or Nancy Pelosi.
But, could it be Joy Behar?
Me thinks she doth protest too much (about nearly everything).
Is this footage from the island? It's not very clear. I loathe Joy and wouldn't put anything past her. She is so nasty and full of hate.

Pastor. Educator. Mama. I breathe sarcasm. Wondering why Lin Wood is single... I follow back, esp. if your name starts w/Lin & ends w/Wood.
Yes, it’s the CCTV footage. Supposedly, anyways. And, I agree re:Joy. She is vile.