Because (GOD), (COUNTRY) no further explanation needed!
Mainstream Media Losing Their Minds Over Florida
Mainstream Media Losing Their Minds Over Florida
Forgive me this Captain Obvious moment, but the New York Times is out of touch with reality. They are operating in an alternate universe that gives little credence to facts, actual science and perspective. I live in Florida. Great place to live. Imagine my surprise yesterday when this headline flash..
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/mainstream-media-losing-minds-florida/My two cents as another happy Floridian. I am 73 with a number of comorbiidities. Happy not to be living a lock down life over a virus with a great recovery rate. I keep boosting the immune system the good Lord gave me. No vaccine; don't like to put toxins in my body that don't taste good. The government is allowing big pharma to experiment on us.