MAGA since the gold escalator, Q since 10/28/17, exposing occult for > 2 decades. Truth sets us free. Learn to let go at nolabelsnolies.com.
It is 100% true. I printed out the actual document and highlighted it so I could really understand it. This is why so many were disappointed that the STATES and the SC didn't do what they are suppose to according the Constitution and the Articles. EVERYTHING that was put in place to protect us and our freedom by the Founders, to keep Govenment from running us and OWNING us were NOT upheld.

MAGA since the gold escalator, Q since 10/28/17, exposing occult for > 2 decades. Truth sets us free. Learn to let go at nolabelsnolies.com.
In response CATHE BAIRD to her Publication
thank you!