Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
The Wheat & The Tares.
It's almost as though the vaccine is the final separation.
All the warnings have been given and promoted and some are too proud and too scared to accept them due to their lack of faith.
If this is all God's plan, it would be impossible for Trump to stop people from getting vaccines anyway.
God is God because he gives man free will.
4-6 % forever lost, not everything will be clean. I can't repeat myself enough, THIS is exactly what Q has prepared us for. We cannot make people listen to us. Those who take the vaccine even with families and friends being terrified of it and warning them with ALL the evidence, I am sorry to say, but these people won't ever wake up! If they are not awake by the COVID scam and everything that has happened around it, then they won't wake up. However enough will be waking up with one last Scare Event! Possibly all leading to the DEFCON 1 Scare! For many people a Spiritual Awakening happens gradually, for others it happens suddenly through prolonged stress, trauma and shock! YES your hear me right! Spiritual Awakening are NOT all rainbows and butterflies, they can be scary! Beign awake, means you see everything for what it truly is, you are becoming open to Energies and your own true nature! This can be frightening to the Human Ego! Spirit takes the wheel, control is being lost! God Bless
Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
Yeah that is true... Didn't think of that. AstraZeneca is only one shot and so is Johnson and Johnson. But Moderna and Pfizer both need 2 shots before apparently fully working...
A friend of ours got his second shot 6 days ago and so far he seems fine and does not say naything about side effects.
Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
I read from some in Europe saying real concern is 3-6 months out or when people get sick after a few months.
Along with prayers for revival and return to being a Godly nation, I pray this is not true.