keep trusting your government and getting vaxed! They are so sick☹️God Bless these poor children with stupid parents!

In response Jennifer Sebek to her Publication
Your passion is justified, however, I would hesitate to call them stupid. I would say rather, indoctrinated. Even those who are woke suffered some type of indoctrination that they repent of now. Praise God this regime will end sooner than later🙏

Happily married lover of Yeshua, Q, and Trump! See 144 and 17 everywhere! God Bless you 🙏😇❤️oh yeah, and heart's everywhere! 💓
In response Aquilina 777 to his Publication
you are right... just feels really personal cuz our son just vaxed his newborn so I'm a little raw, sorry. God bless you 🙏😇😇