Patriot who loves her family. California girl. Nuked 6 times by Jack! 🙄 Harper the Ragdoll Would Be a Better President than Joe. 😹❤️🇺🇸

Won't this hurt that 'asking for donations because we're broke' thing that was going on last week? lol Maybe they got billions yesterday at Mass. lol
🤣🤣 Right??? I am a faithful Catholic and am so happy to see the lies and evil being exposed. Read again Archbishop Vigano's letters to President Trump! He is the Truth teller that we need at this moment!. As they say, "all roads lead to Rome" but also "as the family goes so goes the Church and as the Church goes so goes the World"! Just as in the Deep State and government there are many satanic POS's that must be dealt with and exposed, so it is with the Church!! Time to PRAY!!
