DISCOVERY: What if I told you, all 5 governors in the crooked swing states have murdered and/or eaten babies? What if I told you to join the C_A you are forced to violently rape a child or infant then given a gun to "kill it" at first initiation? What if I told you every single elected official past present and future-including these governors-is "vetted" using this same process? Every CEO, every corporation, every industry, ALL OF HOLLYWOOD, EVERY ACTOR, DIRECTOR you name it-all of them-controlled at the outset with blunt force trauma-this is how the C_A meticulously took control of America & the world while we were distracted foaming at the mouth from Mark Ultra mind-splitting 50's pop-culture programming.@bree@GhostEzra@XAnon@doqholliday@KatistheSea3
hate to say it, but ou are correct