Is Covid, MS, Fibromyalgia, Emphysema/COPD and other Dis-eases
Mould/Fungul related? Health Talk With Carey Stone
AVOID: Sugar, Wheat (Gluten), Mercury Fillings, Vaccines, Fluoride
Diet, Detox, Parasite Cleanse, Colloidal Silver, Full Spectrum Extracts (FSE) THC/CBD Oil Indica/Sativa Vaporise/Nebulizer/Suppositories/Eating (Not Smoking), Home-made Yoghurt (Healthy Bacteria), Fermented Healthy foods, Good Organic Diet, Grapefruit/Lemon (Frozen Grated Skins) contains Quinine as found in Tonic Water and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Sweating also helps to get rid of toxins out of the body. Sleep is very important too. Earthing/Grounding. Water has structure and memory, so don’t say negative words, humans we are made up of 60% Water. Coconut Oil/Cannabis Topically (Under Arms, Groin, Belly Button)