now why would we want ro widely share such a
stunning picture of beauty and health?
some people could be made to feel inadeQuate in comparing themselves to such a pure feminine excellency.
this pic should be treated as a national treasure and should be hung
by the rafters in the fake white house so that when fake president
blow joe pedo biden looks up to heaven for guidance
he can can admire such a beauty , be truly inspired and remain in awe of such impeccable choice to represent the land
in the field of health.
maybe he could immortaize such a brilliant pick and sign an EO
on one of his blank made in china papers and forever proclain
that such pic will from now on and in perpetuity replace
rhe majestic eagle to show the world the new face of America.
Big mike of course will support such motion
and will bulge with excitement.
Don lemon and andeson cooper wet their pants in anticipation
to share the exuberant news.