Note: According to Military Intel Contact Bond payouts began on Mon. 8 March. On Tues. 9 March all liquidity was released, while from Wed. 10 March ZIM and other bond redemptions were being paid out – that would continue through Sun. 14 March.
The Military Intel Contact said Tier 4B notification would take place by Sat. 13 March.
Bruce reported that his info pointed to a Mon. 15 March notification and Tues. 16 March start for Tier 4B. We would have 15 days to do exchanges and redemption until Wed. 31 March. The Tier 5 general public would receive the new international rates on Thurs. 1 April.
Also on Thurs. 1 April the debt jubilee NESARA / GESARA debt repayment packages would begin paying off all past federal debt classes in the US, internationally and in multiple countries.
we need a little detail about how this plays out for us personaly. what happens to my mortgage at BOA? what will the value of USD cash, silver and gold be?
He is just a liar. After being exposed by many people on Twitter, he came here. You will soon find out that he is lying.
RN. Grateful. TEAM Q. PATRIOT. Vintage clothing and antique aficionado.
SOMETHING is up w the banks. SANTANDER allowed me to settle my car loan. I did it because I didn't want the repo dude in my driveway in the meantime. These mfers are the ones that would pull your teeth to get the gold fillings.