Maxwell house rotten to the last drop spoilt crop Bobby's bitch from mossad rich a pedo itch she had to scratch in Epstein she found a match and cover provided by those on the tape she provided little girls to rape. Wexner your next sir we see you hiding what information do you think she's providing? Do you not see sir you're caught in a trap will you face the music will you take the wrap? I'd say you're panicking you know time is short are you considering the last resort? Please hang around come along for the ride we are very interested in the information you hide. Andrew in Windsor storms from the west already you're looking far from your best mummy can't help you her wings have been clipped taking the royalty into the crypt. Clinton both versions you're down in the book time to take a deeper look you seedy filthy rotten swines another time you've crossed the line, you can no longer hide your judges are dead you're being watched you should have fled but it's too late no deals will be
London Irish living in Sydney Australia, fingers in lots of pies. Lover of a ditty. Q led and Irish soda bread.
struck maxwell house is shit out of luck.