The Biggest Problem with Vaccines
Ben Swann

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Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

The covid vaccines are still experimental. Historically experimental drugs are used as last resort. Pharma is insulated from adverse effects.

The dodgy CDC data says that flu is minimal. Perhaps the flu numbers are in the Covid numbers. The PCR test cycles were too high for a long time. This led to false positives. The overall death numbers from 2020 are inline with 2019 and 2018. There is no 300-400K increase.

When HCQ was reported as effective, the false lancet reports reported HCQ was not effective and would kill. After Jan 20th HCQ is reported effective and safe.

Masks were not effective, then they were. Mask reporting from earlier studies run by ol' Fauci himself showed masks not effective on viruses. They are too small.

The CDC and W.H.O are responsible for creating this atmosphere of distrust with the dodgy data and mask inititiatives. They have fostered disinformation by releasing false information.

With 99+% recovery rate and theraputics are we in a last resort

If the truth shall kill them, let them die. Always learning & growing so never the same. Merely a humble student & no master.

My biggest speed bump with the whole idea entirely is the thought process behind using them at all in any capacity.
Let me clarify...
In the same mindest, it would be like trying to convince me that if I shattered both of my legs bones all the way down, and let them heal...they will be more resistant in the future to being broken! If I didn't have any broken bones in the first place....why the hell do it then at all?
I came into possession of a very old medical book, it had inserts from older medical research notes in it and it was a military doctor complaining about what the first vaccines had done to all the soldiers that came in suffering from the effects of being vaccinated. Even some suffering death prematurely in the doctor's opinion and seemed to be talking about the first influenza vaccine! Even noted how healthy they were all before that