hey, anons, how's it going this evening?
ok so, this screenshot I'm sharing with you is from Monkey Werx Overwatch 3.11.21. This is not a glitch, this is active fires in the U.S. today 3.11.202... MSM is not reporting on this. Monkey goes into this around the 16-minute mark. I found this to be news-worthy but like most (if not all) major news that Americans should be alerted to, MSM is keeping it from us.

now, it's not just the fire that has me concerned, no. Our world is having problems that we should be aware of and MSM should be keeping us all abreast of... plagues and pestilences are running ramped worldwide... Locusts, animals dying, active volcanoes, drought, and Tsunami are affecting the food supply.

I've attached two links below, the first link is Monkey's Thursday update with the info concerning the fires, and the last one is a 5-minute video about the plagues, etc.



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I love Jesus, dogs and grandkids. Ready for the big event, PATRIOT PARTY MARCH 4TH. Canadian by birth, Alberta by the Grace of God.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

... a third of the earth will burn...
Praise God, for his mighty hands are at work cleaning up the slop left by the evil KABAL 🕊

“Don’t run from culture, influence it!” God Wins!

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

I never miss Monkey Werx! He is an awesome man of God!

FOG, Patriot, MAGA : Interests Health, Exercise, Photography, Travel, Ancestral History, Craft Beer &Spirits, & Love Raptors.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

Monkey-MilSpecOps gave an update on this after someone called in and its because of gas pipelines burn off

Christian, Patriot , Trump my President! Mother grandma just hard working American.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

I check his stuff everyday! good info. He also uses his platform to witness about Jesus and salvation. I Love that!

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

I follow this guy closely and appreciate his work. He did say they can even be a dumpster on fire and would show up as a fire such as these.

Only followers of this user (@Kerryeire) can see their posts

Freedom loving, TRUMP supporting, Q following, God's Amazing Natural Universe Inspired, PATRIOT❗

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication


JESUS is my Saviour, DJT is my POTUS & GOD is in Control, HALLELUJAH!

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

I live in western NC & we have had controlled burns for several days during last week when this was being reported. They do this so it's less likely to have wildfires in the Great Smoky Mtns.

FAMILY IS EVERYTHING ✨ WWG1WGA-WORLDWIDE #GodWins 💫💖✨🕊️🙏 🕊️✨ 💖 💫 ⚔️Telegram https://t.me/BigDaddysLightWarrior

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

Durchsince also picked up on hotspots in this report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD_LGM48dpo

3/14/2021 -- California + Arizona VOLCANIC HOT SPOTS on Weather Satellite -- Midwest shifts w/ M4.0 - YouTube

As we were all watching for, a new M4.0 (M3.9) earthquake struck Kansas , North of the Oklahoma border. The plate is shifting , following the craton edge fr...

Living in the now-space. No DMs, please.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

There's a brush fire in Lakewood, NJ, cause not determined yet.

Living in the now-space. No DMs, please.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

There's a brush fire in Lakewood, NJ, cause not determined yet.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

In GA, 40 min. south of Atl there was smell of smoke and haze for 2 to 3 days. Heard they were controlled burns.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

Intel on this. The deep state starts many fires. Was told the orange stuff they spray is to prolong, not actually put the fires out. Like the insider said WHO checks the actual chemical compounds. AND now of course directed energy.

Mom of 3 boys,Wifey of 21yrs🐸Patriot, WWG1WGA, Supports freedom will fight for our country. I will never back down. Peer support specialist

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

It is scary, we had two here right behind my moms ans another one across the heal. its been happening here for a week in ky. very scary.

Dutch Lady .. awakened since 2002. Share and inspire. Justice for all the good people, children & mother earth. #SaveOurChildren #WWG1WGA

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

Sorry to see this !!!
So evil they are !!

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

I'm going to get no sleep.

In response Christina Maga to her Publication

They wanna get up in your head, so that is the exact reason you don't let them.

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I will Never Give Up! Trust the Plan #WWG1WGA #saveourchildren NO DIRECT MESSAGES!

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

They are flooding the midwest, Missouri the target. Im in sw Missouri they chemtrailed us heavy a few days ago.

I will Never Give Up! Trust the Plan #WWG1WGA #saveourchildren NO DIRECT MESSAGES!

In response Momma Jen to her Publication

Still going on havent seen sun in almost 3 weeks..RAIN RAIN RAIN

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In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

He could be a great reporter!

My bloody profile pic is not me and In my mind depicts me winning a battle with a cig. God is my truth.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

creeeeeepyy as FUCK power outage in Phoenix, az

Patriotic Christian woman. Horse lover. Love President Trump. I live in The Last Best Place.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

I live in Montana. I can assure you, there are no wildfires now.

Truth seeker, logical thinker, and according to my grandsons: the best grandma ever!! 💕💕Thank You Lord Jesus! WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

In response Love Horses to her Publication

north dakota here, no fires here either 🤷🏼‍♀️

💫 Isabella Camille 💫🔥Child Qf God 🔥PatriQt🔥 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 💥WWG1WGA 💥 💥 1776 freedom💥 NCSWIC💥 ⚡️digital solider💫 💥17=Q 💥

In response Love Horses to her Publication

these are not all wildfires showing up on the radar. some of the fires are as small as an acre. someone burning trash that got out of hand. any fire that is this size will affect flying conditions from the smoke it creates...

with that being said, some are indeed wildfires... some of those in Oklahoma are controlled fires with many acres in the S.E. part of the state still on fire today.. the family has said the mountain across from them was on fire the last few days... they are being burnt off from the recent winter storm they experienced. I've got family members that live there and they confirmed the fires...

other than that, this is all I know...
Monkey Werx was concerned that nothing was being reported to the public and if not for the ap My Radar, he too would have not seen what was happening...

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We not only can create our own personal reality, but united we can create a better reality.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

yep saw that episode, also saw the amount of fires while watching dutch too we also have record numbers of earthquacks as well, stay alert, stay safe

Retired Engineer- Anti-terrorism & blast consultant DoD & DOS. Survivor SRA, Mk-Ultra,child trafficking. Wife USMC combat veteran #Godwins

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

more strange now at the end of winter - still cooler and wet/ rain snow...

Christian, Patriot , Trump my President! Mother grandma just hard working American.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

true! I always watch him.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

x22 reported on this tonight! listen to what he has to say! unbelievable

💫 Isabella Camille 💫🔥Child Qf God 🔥PatriQt🔥 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 💥WWG1WGA 💥 💥 1776 freedom💥 NCSWIC💥 ⚡️digital solider💫 💥17=Q 💥

In response Josie Taylor to her Publication

thanks, I absolutely will. I am subscribed to x22 and just love it... I haven't made it there this evening yet, but I'm on my way now lol...

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Will never stop fighting for truth, justice and Trump. #FightlikeFlynn WWG1WGA Family is EVERYTHING

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

thanks for sharing this is nuts