Should Christians (Jesus followers and God obeyers) be active? Yes. Passivity has come from western wealth/comfort and evil ideas dripped into western culture and individual brains. Have you attended a church where Genesis and the reality of the spiritual war were never preached? I have. Why? Jesus is the Word of God, all Scripture is breathed out by God, and Jesus literally said He is the truth. So what happened to believing in the entire God-breathed Bible?
The Bible talks about "powers" and "authorities" and wars in the Heavenly realm. David fought many wars – because God told him to. Jesus and Paul said we will be opposed and persecuted. Does that mean we just accept it? Maybe, not necessarily, only God has the answer for each individual. But blanket passivity usually is not the answer – and really is just an excuse for fear, which as people of faith we should not have – it's faith OR fear, they are mutually exclusive.