Here's your Q....WE'VE BEEN PSYOP'D !
Everyday something changes and it only gets worse! Now they are saying the Military is Split on how to handle this Country. You have Military who's a part of the CABAL (Pentagon) and then the others who ar supposed to be a constitutional Military. Either way while THEY sit and squabble over WHO"S really President, WE sit in a boiling pot of HOT OIL as they turn up the HEAT.
We're rendered USELESS and if I hear ONE MORE ANON say "TRUST THE PLAN" I'm going to CHOKE somebody!!!
I think we've set ourselves up for a huge takeover...GUNS GUNS GUNS will be NO MORE! WE are at a procipace to still be able to use our weapons against the TYRANY of this Govt now but are in question as to WHO do we AIM at???? The WHITE HATS or BLACK or BOTH!!!!
OH yes and one more thing...OPRAH WEARING AN ANKLE BRACELET WAS JUST ANOTHER PSYOP so that WE will thing and rejoice that the WHITE HATS are in CHARGE1!! NOT!
I'm seeing a lot of this frustration, and if the white hats don't make a move, or the black hats don't knock it off, this frustration will quickly turn into resolve, and conviction.
When the people are pushed across that precipice, God help ALL the "hats" and everyone who stands on the wrong side, because there's no going back or calming people down after that.
Q, Whitehats, this contempt is growing fast! I'd be thinking about closing this op and raining down justice asap if I was you. Or Patriots will do it for you, again. I don’t think anyone wants to see what that looks like.
Did you know that the Congress Apes are up in their ivory towers determining how long we can apply and then wait on our guns to be cleared to legally give them to us? IM SICK OF THIS BS STORM the building and WALK everyone of them to their CELLS! (Citizens Arrest)
5 million patriots left their jobs at trumps command for his big day on Jan 6th and we were ready to battle as we SHOULD have only to be COMMANDED to GO HOME?!! He's STILL keeping them hoping that he'll be back...what in 4 years? THATS fk'n BULL DUNG!!!
People are STILL sittingin Jail up there thanks to TRUMP and he's doing JACK shit about it! NOTHING! This Country is STILL not AWAKe! NOBODY is going to STAND for US but US!!!!
WHERE's the so called ARREST? WHERE'S THE CHILDREN who've been rescued? BS BS BS!!!
I have RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION and am wathing all the RED PILLED patrons fall by the wayside while I try to explain AWAY eve;y new stupiid move that just proves to be BOGUS once aagain!
Patriots, DO NOT give up your guns under ANY circumstances. And if ANYONE asks you to, in trust of any plan, you then KNOW (whoever they are) they are your enemy! The enemy of our bright future, and the enemy of humanity.
DO NOT give up your guns under ANY circumstances, even if Trump himself asks you to...
Your beliefs of Q, and the plan are your own. While some are losing patience (completely understandable), others are hanging on. I'm holding the line, but I love all Patriots just the same, because I feel their upset!
Do you still trust the patriots who willingly sat down, left their jobs, closed their business and are STILL wearing masks because the so called GOVT tells them too? Do yo STILL trust these SHEEP to not give up their GUNS...