From Kerry at Project Camelot.
"The bottom line is that Vaccines are the final stage in the overall ILLUMINATI EXPERIMENT to try to jump start their agenda,, creating Humanity 3.0 essence a population of human cyborgs linked to the AI ... and installing mRNA gene manipulation into your body that can be then triggered via Scaler Weapons and nano AI to replicate... and take over. After that all they need to do is hit a switch and a scaler wave will go out and trigger people to act in preconceived ways... riot, go crazy, wipe your memories etc. This "EXPERIMENT" is already becoming nassively successful for them if you believe the number of SHEEP lining up to take their VAXES. Keep in mind this same Nano AI has been put into the CHEMTRAILS that are daily covering our planet and manipulting weather..the weather they decide they want...keeping people indoors for long periods with little or no sunlight etc."