Military war veteran🎖Spiritualist💚 Q💥 Freedom Fighter 🦅 Took the Oath✋Darkness to Light🌔God is Love ❤️From 3Dto5D🙏 Rescue Animals🐕🐈
What about Clarence Thomas?

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Thomas talks a good gig but look at what he did several years ago along with John Roberts. They both withheld and swindled the funds of Gesara/Nesara from the American people. That money belonged to us. They were both in on that.
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Searching for truth! I love my country and want to save it!
I have listened to many of Kim Clement's prophecies and never heard "all but 1" in reference to SC, but that makes sense. Thanks. I bet he is miserable having to serve in a "sea of corruption"!

True patriot fighting for God and country! Give me Liberty or give me death!
Maybe this one👇