🐸To all the bots trying to attack this site... thanks for letting us know we're in the elite's sight. Unfortunately for them, this site is not filled with randoms, but is just filled with Lions, Tigers, and Bears. All in one. When you enter our den, you enter an immediate feast for us. We spent a lot of time on twitter gettng fed upon, even in large numbers. Now we are in our den and you are facing all three. Imagine a cave with lions, tigers and bears all working together. We are the intel. Wallstreetbets is the marketing anons and now we are slowly moving into the etertainment side. The elites are powerless now that we are all coming together. This is your downfall. This is as gamers would put it "GG". There is nothing you can do at this point. This is OUR den, not yours. We have Godzilla's that run this site and lions, tigers n bears. You're not welcome here. DS downfall. PANIC. PAIN. ENDGAME. GODWINS. Thanks for playing though. 🐸
Just wait till the world gets aload of what this movement has created!!! When the last credit has roled on this movie the entire world will only be able to remark with !!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!! I am so raeady to see the look on everyones face!!! R Ricardo